Project Team Pulsar

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Project Team Pulsar

Overall Objectives
Contracts and Grants with Industry

Section: Dissemination

Animation of the scientific community


  • G. Charpiat reviewed this year for TPAMI (Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence), TIP (Transactions on Image Processing), IVC (Image and Vision Computing), IJIG (International Journal of Image and Graphics)

  • Vincent Martin is a reviewer for the journals: Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement (TIM), Computers & Electronics in Agriculture (COMPAG)

  • M. Thonnat is a reviewer for the journals CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding, PATREC and gerontechnology Journal.

Conferences and Workshops

  • F. Brémond was reviewer for the conferences: CVPR 2011, ICCV 2011, BMVC 2011, WCC-AAISS 2011, Workshop on Human behaviour Analysis in Open or Public Spaces 2011, AVSS 2011, RIVF 2012, CVPR 2012

  • F. Brémond was Conference Area Chair of ICVS 2011 and AVSS 2011

  • F. Brémond was Program Committee member of the conferences: VS2011, ICDP-11, ARTEMIS 2011, IF 2012, HBU 2012

  • F. Brémond organized the workshop Behaviour 2011

  • G. Charpiat reviewed this year for CVPR, Eurographics, Muscle, RFIA, Eusipco.

  • M. Thonnat was general chair of the International Conference on Computer Vision Systems ICVS 2011.

  • J-P Rigault is a member of AITO, the steering committee for several international conferences including in particular ECOOP.

Invited Talks

  • F. Brémond was invited t by Rita Cucchiara to give a talk at the SafeCity@Euromed Summit on the 21st May 2011 in Genoa.

  • F. Brémond was invited for summer school by Florence SEDES : Ambiance Intelligence, Lille, 4-10 July 2011.

  • F. Brémond was invited by Viorel Negru as Short-Term Visiting Scientist on scene understanding, at West University Timisoara, Romania, July 27, 2011.

  • F. Brémond was invited to make a demonstration by Emmanuel HIRSCH, Éthique, technologie et maladie d’Alzheimer ou apparentée EREMA, April 2011.

  • F. Brémond was invited by Eric Castelli to give talks on video understanding, at International Research Center MICA, Hanoi University of Science and Technology, October 12, 2011.

  • F. Brémond was invited to give a talk by Jenny Benois-Pineau, LABRI Université Bordeaux, December 5 2011.

  • F. Brémond made a demonstration at the Rencontre Inria-Industries Santé à domicile et de l'autonomie in Paris on October 20th 2011

  • F. Brémond was invited to give a talk at the RivieraDEV, conference on software design, at INRIA Sophia-Antipolis on October 21th 2011

  • G . Charpiat was invited by Yann Ollivier to give a talk on his works in vision, learning and optimization in the INRIA TAO team.

  • G. Charpiat was invited to give a talk about his works on graph-cut optimization in the "Semaine conjointe GdR MOA et GdR MSPC Optimisation et traitement des images" (La Londe les Maures, June 2011).

  • G. Charpiat was invited to give a talk about his works on learning shape metrics in the INRIA workshop on Statistical Learning (IHP, Paris, December 2011), and to present a poster in the Symposium on Empirical Inference (Tübingen, Germany, December 2011).


  • F. Brémond was jury member for the following PhD defenses:

    • Dora Luz Almanza, Université de Toulouse III Paul Sabatier, January 7, 2011

    • Cédric ROSE, Université de Henri Poincaré - Nancy 1, mai 27, 2011

    • Nadeem Salamat, Université de la Rochelle, October 7, 2011

    • Juan Carlos San Miguel Avedillo, Universidad Autonoma de Madrid, October 27, 2011

    • Anna-Louise Ellis, Reading University, November 7, 2011

    • Vladislavs Dovgalecs, Université Bordeaux 1, December 5, 2011

  • M. Thonnat was member of the jury for the PhD defense of Carolina Venagas, Telecom ParisTech, 13 January 2011

  • M. Thonnat was reviewer for the HDR of Nicolas Lomenie, Université Paris Descartes, May 2011

Publishing Activities

  • F. Brémond is handling editor of the International Journal of Computing and Informatics since September 2006.

  • M. Thonnat is member of the editorial board of the journal Image and Vision Computing (IVC), and is co-editor of a special issue in the journal CVIU Computer Vision and Image Understanding.

Avisory Boards

  • F. Brémond is Scientific Board member of WISG 2011 of the French ANR

  • F. Brémond is Scientific Board member of The “Espace Éthique et maladie d’Alzheimer “

  • M. Thonnat is Scientific Advisory Board member 2010 -2013 European project Fish4Knowledge on Intelligent Information Management, Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content ( http://www.fish4knowledge.eu ).

  • M. Thonnat is Scientific Board member of the National Reference Center Sante, Dependance et Autonomie since 2010

  • M. Thonnat is Scientific Board member of Ecole Nationale des Ponts since 2008


  • F. Brémond is EC INFSO Expert in the framework of Ambient Assisted Living European FP7 (VitalMind projects) and for the CALL7 - Objectives 5.4 & 5.5 in 2011


  • F. Brémond was reviewer for the “dossier d’appellation de Professeur” of Sonia GARCIA, Télécom SudParis, 8 Juin 2011

  • F. Brémond was member of the jury of Farah Arab, for obtaining the “prix de thèse de la fondation Médéric Alzheimer”, August 20, 2011.

  • G. Charpiat presented the team to ENS Lyon students.

  • G. Charpiat takes part in Mastic, a local scientific animation committee (Médiation et Animation Scientifique dans les MAthémathiques et dans les Sciences et Techniques Informatiques et des Communications).

  • J-P Rigault is a member of the Administration Board of the Polytechnic Institute of Nice University.

  • M Thonnat is deputy scientific director of INRIA in charge of the domain Perception, Cognition and Interaction since September 2009.

  • M. Thonnat and F. Brémond are co-founders and scientific advisers of Keeneo, the videosurveillance start-up created to exploit their research results on the VSIP/SUP software.